Bridget Miller Employee Spotlight

August 5, 2022 122 view(s)

Bridget Miller Employee Spotlight

Tell us about yourself

I grew up in SLC running around the Wasatch mountains, exploring Moab, and riding my bike through Sugarhouse. I started my career at the University of Utah in the Department of Neurosurgery as a Medical Secretary and Fellowship Coordinator. During this time, I was pursuing photography taking photos of local fashion designers’ pieces and family portraits. I was always inspired by nature focused locations and one day it hit me, that’s what was missing in my career. I needed to have a space where I can be challenged while focusing on my passion for the outdoors. I decided to go back for my undergrad in Business Management and ended up in marketing classes for many of my electives. It felt natural and I knew it would allow me to have a creative aspect to my job. Immediately after graduating, I started looking for a job in the outdoor industry and thankfully landed at Liberty Mountain as a Graphic Designer and was then promoted to Director of Marketing.

My husband and I have 2 dogs (Bear & Daisy), a cat (Ollivander), and 3 chickens (Martha, Jolene, & Edna). We have dubbed our house, “The Miller Farm”. Currently, I love to spend time gardening, traveling, trying new food, baking, and any activity that takes me to the mountains. I operate as a Master of None, FOMO is a thing in my life. I love experiencing new things. It is super nerdy, but I have lists of things I want to try and am on a mission to check off as many as possible. The list includes things like travel destinations, getting into a shark cage, baking different pastries, and backpacking an iconic trail like John Muir or sections of the PCT.

How long have you worked at Liberty Mountain?

I started in February 2020. I have to say the month because it was right before the world was turned upside down. I feel very lucky to have been at Liberty Mountain during that time, even though things were uncertain, it was amazing to see how everyone came together to make things work and support our community as best we could.


What do you usually work on a day-to-day basis?

The loaded question! The amazing marketing team consists of a Graphic Designer, Digital Marketing Specialist/Photographer, and Content Coordinator. Each of them has their area of expertise, my job is help keep their projects moving forward by offering advice/feedback, but most of the time a job well done stamp of approval. I work on planning events (festivals/tradeshows), working with our athlete team, planning our media/ad/campaign schedules, collaborating with different departments to ensure our goals as a company are being met in our marketing strategy, and analyzing performance metrics to see how we are doing and if we need to adjust our direction to stay effective.  

What do you like most about your job?

I was craving a place to be creative and challenged in different ways. That is exactly what this position gives me. I love that I have to think through decisions analytically, but also take into consideration the psychological side of how people interact with brands. They both must work in unison to get the best outcome. It can be challenging to crack the code on what will work best to get the results you are looking for, but that makes every day different and keeps me sharp as I am always looking at new methods being used to achieve positive results.

What are your favorite outdoor activities?

I can’t pick a favorite! I love trail running, hiking, backpacking, climbing, mountain biking and SUP. I tend to be most excited about the newest additions to my list of hobbies, which right now are trail running and mountain biking. I crave getting on my bike for some flow trails! One of my favorite places to ride is Targhee, seeing the Tetons while you are cruising through wildflowers just cannot be beat.


What is your favorite outdoor area?

I don’t know if I can pick a specific area, but I think I chase a feeling from outdoor spaces. I love to feel in awe, and just want to go get lost looking at everything around me. Sometimes that comes from new places and other times that comes from a trail I have been on a million times. The Crest Trail is a familiar trail that I have do every year because I see the Wasatch Mountains in a different way. The area I would love to explore more is the Cascades. I love the PNW and get that sense of awe with the vast difference in environment from the Utah desert.

What is one of your favorite pieces of gear you can’t live without?
I have to pick two. My Marin Rift Zone C1. It is one of the best purchases I’ve made in my adult life. It’s given me a way to travel greater distances in the mountains and challenge myself each time I ride. I am also obsessed with my Beal Joker. It is the perfect rope for long days at the crag and of course, that pretty pink color is to die for.


If you could have any piece of gear, what would it be?

I would love to have a new backpacking tent. We have an older model tent, it’s held up beautifully, but after trying the Peregrine Kestrel, I would love to have one that is as light as that!

What is your first memory of spending time outdoors?

My mom and dad would take me outdoors all the time, but I think the memory that sticks out the most is when we moved to Salt Lake City. We would spend nearly every weekend hiking. I feel most at home when I am in the mountains, and I think spending so much of my time there as a young kid is why. I have so many hobbies that keep me outdoors it is hard to balance them all, but I wouldn’t have it any other way! I will forever to be grateful to my mom for making me feel comfortable in the outdoors and challenging me to try new things.


What is your dream vacation spot?

I love to travel! There is nothing better than exploring a new place soaking in the vibe and eating all the food I can fit into my stomach. My answer has normally been Italy, but now I have to really re-think this question. I was lucky enough to knock that off my list this past summer. There are lots of other places on my bucket list, but I can’t decide which one to prioritize first! If I had to pick some top spots, they would be Thailand, Switzerland, Spain, or Banff.


Do you have an inspirational hero?

Beyonce. #iaintsorry In all seriousness, I am constantly inspired by my husband and friends. They are go-getters in their own unique ways and are constantly crushing it at whatever they set their minds to, very much like Beyonce. I love being surrounded by people who are motivated to keep chasing after their goals and enjoying life to the fullest.

Liberty Mountain is lucky to have Bridget on the team! She has helped our digital marketing grow, as well as strengthen relationships with our athletes and sponsors. She is an incredible leader for the marketing team, and is always willing to offer advice and support! 

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